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The school was founded by the Redemptorist Fathers and the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Its first director was Reverend Father William McCarthy, C.Ss.R., and its principal, Sister Mary Alacoque, S.S.N.D. 


Accredited by the Department of Education.


The first senior graduation was held at the Municipal Theater in San Juan.


A committee from the Parent-Teacher Association, accompanied by Father Francis Salmon, director of the school, personally visited “La Fortaleza”, to begin negotiations for the purchase of the site of the former Laureano Vega Public School.


The site was purchased for $36,500 by the Redemptorist Fathers.


Construction of the new building was begun under the direction of Designer, Mr. William Biscombe and was ready for occupancy by September 15. The new school was blessed on December 22, by His Excellency Bishop James P. Davis, DD.


The High School was accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, becoming the first parochial school on the island to receive this distinction.


Celebration of the golden anniversary.


A building housing an auditorium, classrooms, a library and additional rooms was constructed. 1975 - The site for the intermediate school was purchased for $100,000.00.


Transfer of Perpetuo Socorro Parish to the Archdiocese of San Juan was completed with the assignment of Monseñor Rafael Fontánez.


Plans for the new junior high school were made and completed by January.


The Middle States Association visited the school, recognizing the Academy as one of the most outstanding institutions on the island of Puerto Rico.


APS celebrated its Diamond Anniversary.


The new gymnasium was inaugurated, which stands out for its exceptional facilities, designed by Athletic Director, Mr. Carlos Ruiz, and Architect Luis Badillo.


Commemoration of “80 Years of Excellence in Education and Spiritual Formation”. Stage production of “Perpetuo Vuelve al Tapia”. 2006 - “85 Years of Academic Excellence and Spiritual Formation” at a special Mass held in our school gymnasium.


In May of 2013, after pondering different alternatives and attending to new demands in our school community, Monsignor Carlos Quintana and the Administrative Staff, decided to expand our APS family establishing the first Pre Kinder.


The Digital Learning Center School Sisters of Notre Dame was inaugurated on October 16, 2014. This center replaces the original High School library. The traditional library was converted into a state of the art digital learning center for students and faculty. This center has individual learning areas as well as classrooms and team learning areas with a 21st century modern design. The two digital collaboration classrooms are dedicated to Sister Armand Marie SSND (School Principal from 1982-2009) and the other to Mr. José M. Leavitt (teacher and present day High School Vice Principal Senior).


The APS Gymnasium was dedicated and named after Mr. Carlos Ruiz, former teacher, coach and Dean of Students. A ceremony was performed in honor of Mr. Ruiz with students, faculty, alumni, friends and family on October 17, 2014. 

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